Sunday, August 16, 2020


 I have met my match, it seems.

Others have come pretty darn close, and I loved them.  I learned from and with them.  And they loved me.

[The saddest, hardest thing is when two people love each other, but cannot make a commitment.]

[It can also be hard when the love is one-sided, unrequited.]

But to truly be able to express oneself fully, without filter, and for the other person not only to pretty much understand everything you say, but also to remain curious and teachable to what they don't fully understand--that's a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Yes, eventually personalities will rub.  Yes, marriage and love is a choice and a commitment.  Yes, that initial spark must be maintained.  

Yes to all the above.  And it also must be said--some connections blow all the other ones out of the water.

Not everyone understands what it's like to have moved every 2 years for the last 10 years, and to have dated lots of quality men along the way.  It can feel hard to meet someone who can understand every part of your experience, and can have meaningful and engaging dialogue with you on almost every facet of who you are.  But when it does happen, you feel seen and heard and known in ways that are exhilarating, refreshing, infatuating, stirring, motivating, comforting, and, simply amazing.

Now, the thing is--one can experience the most amazing connection in the world.  But, if there is not a choice and commitment to partnership and love, then it also remains just that--the most amazing connection of a lifetime.  

So, it remains to be seen, whether that sort of thing is sustainable for a lifetime--or whether it just marks the most incredible and irreplaceable memory of a lifetime.

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