Saturday, June 28, 2014

Gainfully Unemployed

On the first Saturday after ending work, I:

  • Woke up on my own, without an alarm, at 6 am
  • Went walking at 7 am.  Walking helps me process things, and I needed to dispel the intensity of emotion that I had been absorbing from the past few days of farewells.
  • Ran into a few residents during my walk!  I woke up with images of their tear-stricken faces in my head, which made me sad.  It was good to see them in their normal state this morning: happy, hopeful, and out and about to get groceries from the local market.
  • Made scrambled eggs, oatmeal, and carrots+chard
  • Had a Quiet Time and journaled.
  • Enjoyed being with my roommate as we focused on our own introverted things in the living room.  She was streaming hymns/praise songs, and we both hummed and harmonized along with the melodies.

Some things that are on my mind this weekend:

  • In times of blessing, do not forget others' suffering.  Life happens in seasons, and I will probably experience seasons of suffering in the coming days.  I have learned not to dread those anymore-they happen for my growth and to deepen my faith.  
  • In times of harvest, store up for times of famine.  Lately, I have been reaping the harvest of the past 2 years' ministry at work.  But it is not always so.  There have been other times in life when I have given it my all and had it all crumble into the dust, so the fact that I am seeing the fruits of my labor right now is a blessing but not something I should expect every time.  It is easy to forget to meditate and spend time with God when things are busy and good.  But it is important to abide in Him and continue feeding one's soul so that, when the time comes that I am too broken and spent to even crack open my Bible, I will have things stored up within my heart that I can remember.

It's only 10 am, but I am feeling extremely productive in my gainful unemployment :D

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