It feels like for years, I've been a part of conversations where I don't agree with what's said. I tend to hold off on disagreeing with even good friends, because I only speak when I think that someone will actually listen or be convinced. I value my relationships over satisfying the need to speak my mind.
Somehow, I've reached a point where I think that is going to change. Perhaps this year, I will either say something, or I will leave the conversation (if it's happening in a group) so as not to be drained. Especially because I know my schedule will be busier, and I want to "number my days," so to speak.
I understand that people like to congregate with others who think similarly in order to find camaraderie and feel supported. But when people stay in their comfort zones, they miss out on opportunities to be stretched and challenged. I always feel stifled when I constantly hang out with the same crowd.
It's taken nearly my entire time in California to get New Haven out of my system. Yesterday afternoon, on the ferry from Catalina Island back to the Coast, I finally felt like I had wiped the slate clean. Like I've said before, I had a wonderful first year and summer at Yale. I really could not have asked for a better experience! But the Old Wine has to be poured out before the New Wine can come. Not only that, but New Wine can only come in New Wineskins. I'm ready for this year to be completely different than last year!
At this point, I have no idea what my schedule will look like. I won't know what my classes will be until I "shop" around (this happens during the first two weeks of school.) I won't know how frequently and what days I will have meetings for Community Life Coordinator stuff. I don't know what evenings my church homegroup will meet, and I haven't decided if I'll play soccer again. What I do know is that I would like to commit to keeping a weekly Sabbath.
A good friend--we call him "kind-eyes Jonathan" at the Div School--modeled this for me last year. He took a day off each week to just be. To read non-academic stuff, go hiking, visit the Art Gallery...
I'm looking forward to keeping my Sabbath this year!
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