Monday, August 31, 2015


Oh, the joys of having the house to myself for the day!

My four roommates are all at Orientation--two of them are volunteering as returning students, and two of them are attending as new students.

I used this opportunity to do some cleaning, wiping down countertops and stove tops and doing some bathroom cleaning.  There is something quite cathartic about getting on one's hands and knees to scrub a bathtub and clean a dirty floor.

It will all get dirty and messy again, but it did my soul good to take care of the spaces that I (and my roommates) inhabit. If only cleaning one's heart were so easy.

My weekend was jam-packed.  Orientation all day Saturday for the Institute of Sacred Music, where I met tons of interesting people and felt incredibly privileged to be invited to a community of scholars of the sacred and the arts.  The Professors in the ISM are wonderful, and I gleaned so much just from the cursory introductions.

On Sunday I attended 3 separate church services--making up, I suppose, for 3 Sundays in August when I traveled to and in California.

I've also had meetings for my new Community Life Coordinator job, and those will continue onwards until graduation.

I have bitten off way more than I can chew for a year's worth of work and community involvement, and I have no idea how I will do this.  I keep turning to the hope of finding rest in Sabbath, whether that involves scrubbing bathtubs in an empty house...or fleeing to Nature when the weather cools.

School has not even started yet, and already I am looking forward to being done with it next spring =)

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