Thursday, April 7, 2016


I look at some couples and I think: they seem happy and loving, and it's a functional relationship, but they aren't necessarily making the world a better place by being together.  It's a selfish relationship, in which both people benefit, but there is no sense of something greater.

Some friendships are like that, too, and there is nothing wrong with that.  We all need spaces where our value comes not from what we do, but simply from who we are.  And it's a blessing to have someone else--romantic or platonic--appreciate and enjoy us.

My desire, though, for if I ever find a partner, is that we would be able to do more for the world, our community, and those around us by being together than if we were apart.  That's the only compelling reason for me to give up my freedom.

If the Lord wills, we shall live, and do this or that...


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