Saturday, April 9, 2016

Uncanny (**R-Rated post, PART 2**)

You know, yesterday I was pretty stressed about my travel plans.

I had booked the cheapest flight from JFK to SFO, which meant that I would arrive in California at 1 am.  This was a huge inconvenience for my friend Darren (the groom, whose wedding is tomorrow!), who had to pick me up from the airport.  I'm staying at the same hotel as he and his fiance.  The rest of the crew arrives today and we'll share an AirBnB the next 2 nights.

I hate inconveniencing people, especially on the weekend of their wedding.  So I was feeling anxious and irresponsible.

Could it be, though, that I was put in Room 312 so that someone would report the violence that happened in 310 last night?

I checked with the front desk this morning, and they said the police did come to pick someone up last night.  I hope and pray that it was the perpetrator next door.

Most rapes happen among acquaintances.  Lovers, even.  Usually, a rape is not the random stranger you come upon.  It's usually someone you know.  Someone you're dating.  Someone you're in a committed relationship with.

It sounded like that was the case last night, and my heart hurts from that.

I saw a woman walking around the hotel grounds this morning, looking like something bad had happened.  I have a feeling it was her.  How I wish I could reach out to her, but since I can't, I pray.

Lord, have mercy.  Christ, have mercy.

For the wounded, the violated, and the hopeless, we pray.

For the wounders, the violators, and the hopeless, we pray.

Holy Spirit, clear away the evil that is in the heavenly territories above South San Francisco, as well as in New Haven.  Let Christ's light shine through.  We pray that Your kingdom would come and Your will would be done on this wretched earth!


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