We said goodbye to the Harrises last night.
I still remember meeting the group at church, discovering we were all Divinity students, and exchanging numbers. I remember forming a prayer group, called the Imposters, and meeting once every two weeks throughout our first year. I remember thinking how white everyone in the group was--and how specifically Assemblies of God their outlook on Christianity was.
I've always been able to adjust to people I'm around, and to fit in somehow. The Imposters was just one of many social groups I had in New Haven, and I was grateful for them.
It's been a while since we've been together. I was insanely busy this school year, and they all joined homegroups and didn't need as much support anymore.
Last night, we shared some highlights and memories from the past two years, and we did what our friendship was formed around: we prayed.
I'm dating an Imposter now, much to my surprise, and it's so interesting to look back and remember how much like a brother he felt in the beginning. A fellow student, prayer partner, and a kind-eyed friend, but nothing else.
After all, what did someone like me have to do with white Assemblies of God folk?
The Spirit knits hearts together, I suppose.
May we continue to follow their leading (yes, I'm making the Spirit transgender, per the current progressive trend) as our paths branch out from New Haven, with 2 of us staying for one more year of Divinity school, 2 of us moving to Ohio to teach in a Christian school, and my kind-eyed friend and I most likely moving in opposite directions--me moving north to Boston to direct international students, and he looking south to Princeton to pastor young adults.
I'm excited for us all. We're no longer Imposters at Yale, but alumni of a place we learned to call home together. Cheers!
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