As relational as I am, though, I cannot escape the fact that I am an introvert.
Being around people, no matter how intelligent, sensitive, and wonderful they are, ultimately drains my battery. And after consecutive days of lively and fun social interactions, I'm pooped. Amidst spending time with my friends, I've also neglected the most important Friend of all. Sure, I've kept my internal conversation with Him going all throughout my daily moments. But I haven't really sat down with Him and given Him undivided attention for a few days, and it hurts. My emotions feel raw and numb at the same time, and I miss Him.
At least two things are going on here: I need to exercise some self-care and alone-time tonight; but more importantly, I need to spend a chunk of time with my best Friend, the only One who never drains me. After driving my friends around New Haven and New England, I need to quiet my heart and stay put in His love and presence.
So that's what I'm going to do now. I'm going to close my computer lid, and I'm going to crack open the cover of the Word and commune with the Word become Flesh.
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