Thursday, February 11, 2016


It was interesting to come across this HuffPost article last night, as I was winding down from my Presentation Day.  I've written a post expressing something similar before, so it was good to read someone else's thoughts on the topic: Getting Married is Not an Accomplishment.

Academic or professional achievements are.

I suppose I'm still reveling a bit in the success of my presentation.  It's just such a nice thing to feel that your work has paid off--and to have others acknowledge and appreciate it.  I spent way too many hours (from December through February) obsessively perfecting my presentation script, and in thirty minutes, the whole thing was over.  Even two years ago, I could never have imagined that I'd be able to give a successful public presentation at Yale.  Yesterday, I did, and I feel as if I truly contributed to the academic, musical, and spiritual discussion and richness of the community.

When it really comes down to it, though, even that is not my accomplishment.

I believe in God's work in and through us.  We do things together with God--and only with His help. That I got through the presentation smoothly--I stumbled over words a lot during rehearsals and my coaching session--is His grace.  The generous reception by the ISM audience--which is usually a tough crowd--is His favor.

Too, I had the generosity of several professors and professionals, whose insights, instruction, and interviews contributed to the formation of my project.

So, at the end of the day, nothing we accomplish is really our own.  What a humbling thought--but one that frees us to want to do better and to live in community, with people's help, with joy!

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